Mobile Application
Player Page
The video player page is where the most traffic occurs throughout the ODK Media product. However, there was no update for the player page for a while and the design team had a chance to improve it during the video player migration. The project scope was limited due to the resources and we had to enhance the player page within the restriction.
User Research
Visual Design
Usability Testing
Design QA
UI/UX Designer
Improve the interface design with a consistent experience between the mobile and tablet apps.
The ODK has completely different looks for mobile and tablet apps. Especially the tablet app has low accessibility and outdated design. The design goal is to create a consistent design and enhance user experience.
Competitive analysis
All the competitors' apps have a consistent look on mobile and tablet apps. Netflix has convenient volume control and the text next to the icons is intuitive. Hulu has a similar flow to the ODK app on mobile and the only app does not cover with overlay layer when the control appears.
We survey to find out users' needs quickly.

Research Key Takeaway
Implement a top performance display ad on the tablet app.
The current tablet app generates revenue only through video advertising. I initiated a meeting with the advertising team to discuss which banner we should implement to maximize the performance.
Iterate, iterate, iterate....
We got feedback internally to ensure that the requirements met user needs and focused on adding value for users.